We Are Non-Profit Charity & NGO Organization Provide Help To Homeless People!
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Lorem ipsum dol grae pulant. Quas sale peret maiestatis ne mea, nec clita Inani nullam eos in qstala.
Recent Cause
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Upcoming Events
Events on syrian children and their health issues.
Ride for a promise
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing type industry. Our Ipsum has been…
Music for charity
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing type industry. Our Ipsum has been…
What People Say About Us
Let’s stop this hunger and fullfill their happiness.
Our Volunteers
Your little support can bring smile to the homeless people
We Need More Volunteers
We change the life of those who have no hope. The work of our Organization is aimed at targeted assistance to children in the form of charitable donations from sponsors and patrons.
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Give a helping hand to those who need it!
OGŁOSZENIE O PRZETARGU NR 1/2025/OOPP dotyczącego dostawy talonów (bonów) żywnościowych oraz podarunkowych na zakup odzieży, bielizny, obuwia, środków czystości i higieny osobistej dla Caritas Diecezji Bielsko-Żywieckiej w ramach projektu: „Okręgowy…
Our Sponsors
No One Has Ever Become Poor by Giving.